Negros Occidental, Philippines
We come to church this morning mindful of the violent world we live in. This is the way things are this side of heaven. This is the way earthly politics works. But today I come to you bringing a message of another kingdom, a message of a new politics. Keep that in mind as we listen for the Word of the Lord today.
As we see our children grow up, we try our best by the grace of God to raise them to be God-fearing men and women. We want them to be good Christians and good Adventists. We want our children to be successful, to be productive citizens of our country, to be strong in the community. Our parents wanted the same thing of us. So naturally, as our children, our young people reach an age where they are to make big life decisions; they try their best to make good choices. And they will ask questions to figure that out.
Why am I alive?
Why am I here?
What is my purpose in life?
These are all leading to one of the greatest questions we can ask ourselves: What is the will of God in my life?
We may still be asking ourselves these questions even now as adults. Even in an older age, as adults, we may still be asking what is the will of God in my life?
This is a good question. This is an important question, and that is something we will answer.
We will answer that question What is the will of God in my life? and and maybe I can explain why I am here in this part of the world today.